Angel Matrix
This art image was my debut piece that launched my brilliant art career and lifelong fascination with painting on silk. The colors were so rich and alive on the silk, that I became enamored by its magical spell. ‘Angel Matrix’ is about living a life of divine service in partnership with one’s soul. The spirit-guided path of a Rainbow Warrior may be calling you?
I create my art from visions that come to me in a waking or sleeping dream state. Some of my pieces find their owners after I create them, as if I already knew the client beforehand. 'Angel Matrix' was purchased by a female client of mine, who was ready for her new life with her fiancé. I created this painting to depict an array of angels looking at the Rainbow Warrior couple, facing them. They have passed many tests and initiations to get to this point of becoming a team, devoted fully to serving The Light and humanity. Your new healthy patterns of behavior will bring more Light into your body every day.