Jesus, He's my Human Friend
Jesus, he’s my human friend, is the message I received while painting this piece. It strikes me with a fascination for solving the mystery of our relationship with this very special man. The man Jesus (Yeshua), never for a moment of his existence, desired to put himself above any other being. The Prince of Peace, Galactic Warrior, Sage, Healer, Prophet, Tribal Elder …these are all phrases that are befitting of him. Extreme Jesus worship or fear of a punishing God; these concepts are not his inventions; they’re inventions of the priests, who are manipulating people through their religions. Some things that have been ascribed to Jesus are inconsistent with his true teachings of 2000 years ago. Take the Savior title for example; perhaps Christ was frustrated at the masses’ demands of him, for the answers and healing that each individual can only get from within? Christ works diligently with the entire group of Ascended Masters and Galactic Beings of Light. However, they do not put him on a pedestal, above them. They all work together as a team, dedicated to planetary liberation. The only true savior is yourself. It can be no other way, as your freewill dictates your reality and is your sole responsibility.