Twin Flames
$6.00 - $168.00
per item
Twin Flames share oneness of soul. That is why you may feel that you already know your twin flame at your first encounter; thus the phrase ‘love at first sight’ gains much understanding here. Every person comes from a group of souls that split off from The Creator (God). In that last sacred division, the last soul split is that of twin flames. You and your twin flame are destined to meet at some point in your evolution. Usually, this meeting happens after much spiritual maturity has been reached. In these incredible times all miracles and all of your heart’s desires are meant to be explored. Feel free to explore the energy of your twin flame. You may want to place sacred objects on your altar to draw him or her to you. Go within and discover how you align and relate to this great gift of twin flame love.
“Every human being has a Twin Soul. When man leapt like a spark from the bosom of his Creator he was two in one, and these two parts complemented each other perfectly; each was the other’s twin. These two halves became separated; they took different directions, and they have evolved separately. If they come to recognize each other at any point during their evolution, it is because each carries the image of the other in the depth of his being; each has put his seal on the other. Thus, each carries the image of this Twin Soul within. The image may be blurred, but it is there. For this reason, everyone who comes to Earth has a vague hope that he will meet somewhere a soul, who will be everything he needs, and that with this soul he will find indescribable harmony and perfect fusion.” * ~ the late Bulgarian Master, Omraam Aivanhov
“Every human being has a Twin Soul. When man leapt like a spark from the bosom of his Creator he was two in one, and these two parts complemented each other perfectly; each was the other’s twin. These two halves became separated; they took different directions, and they have evolved separately. If they come to recognize each other at any point during their evolution, it is because each carries the image of the other in the depth of his being; each has put his seal on the other. Thus, each carries the image of this Twin Soul within. The image may be blurred, but it is there. For this reason, everyone who comes to Earth has a vague hope that he will meet somewhere a soul, who will be everything he needs, and that with this soul he will find indescribable harmony and perfect fusion.” * ~ the late Bulgarian Master, Omraam Aivanhov